Meet Our Pastor
Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding. (Jeremiah 3:15)

Pastor Antawn D. Coleman Sr. was born in Rankin, Pennsylvania. He was educated in the public school system of the Woodland Hills School District. Pastor Coleman was raised in the church but came to a personal acceptance and “new birth” in June of 2007. Pastor Coleman was ordained as a deacon at White Lily Baptist Church, under Rev. Dr. Kelvin A. Brooks Sr., serving in that capacity for 2 years. During these years of service Pastor Coleman received the unction to preach the gospel. In January 2013 he preached his initial sermon entitled “I Came with a Purpose and a Promise.”

Reverend Coleman served as an Associate Minister of the WLBC under Pastor Brooks Sr. for 3 years. While serving as an Associate Minister, Pastor Coleman was actively involved in teaching Sunday School, Bible Study, and New Members Class. Pastor Coleman also served as the director of the Youth & Adult Mime Ministry, co-leader of the Men’s Ministry, as well as facilitating life & worldview conversations with the Teen Ministry.

Upon Pastor Brooks being called to a new assignment, Pastor Coleman received the call to Pastor the White Lily Baptist Church. He was installed as Pastor of WLBC in May of 2016 with a fresh vision of “Building a Contagious Church.” He is regarded by many as a gifted preacher and teacher of God’s Word, and has a sincere care and concern for the community and people of God.

Under Pastor Coleman's leadership, the church has acquired an additional building that is home to the nonprofit arm of the church known as the Community of Change Center Inc (COCC).  The center serves as a resource to the community and the property grounds is the home of Pittsburgh's first hydroponic freight farm.  The Farm is birthed out of a partnership between the COCC, West End Power, and The National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls.  

Reverend Coleman holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting with a minor in Management from Saint Francis University in Loretto, PA and a Bachelor of Science degree in Divinity from the Christian Leaders Institute, Spring Lake MI. Pastor Coleman graduated in May of 2021 with his Master of Divinity from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary with a graduate certificate in Urban Ministry.

Reverend Coleman is the happy husband of Richelle Coleman and the proud father of four children Jada, Antawn Jr, Ariyona, and Amauria